Wednesday 4 April 2007

Easter Ups and Downs

Lots to catch up on! God, I haven't posted in a month! what a lazy ole cow I can be at times...

I re-read my fertile-challenged blog again and I think I've come a long way since then. It's two weeks to go til my next hospital appointment and we find out what The Next Step is. Some days I'm depressed, some weepy, some fine. It's a waiting game at this stage and I'm getting kind of used to that. I'm planning to busy myself with Easter and a trip home between now and then. I've only got a few babies to see and hold and cuddle between now and then - today I'm feeling well able for it.

Last week I even went into Mothercare without my heart racing and my head pounding. I think I'm getting the hang of this lark.

I joke, of course, because whenever I hear the news "I'm pregnant" from someone, something in the depths of my soul skips a little and I can feel my eyes well up as I try to pull myself together. I suppose sometimes I manage it, other times I don't.


But the excellent, wonderful, exciting v v good news is that I've secured another job!!! Yes, Little Miss Criminology here I come....

I've applied, been interviewed, been offered and even started my new job in the time it's been since I last posted! Oh but I am a happy bunny (Easter pun?). I've now got a job as a Research Fellow in Criminology and I'm delighted with myself. I've been so very, very lucky.

When I look back it's about six years since I started doing night courses at Birkbeck in various crime-related topics - "Introduction to Criminology", "Science, Crime & Justice", I did three courses in all by night over the course of a couple of years. Then I brazenly applied for an MSc part-time, was accepted, gave up my job and found another, part-time one to get me through, and last summer I graduated in Crim & Forensic Psychology.

Since then I've gone through peaks and troughs; I've thought I wasn't going to ever get work in this area, to being inundated with offers of interviews. I've come a long way when I look back, and it's been so so worth it. I hope my experiences continue to grow and that the only way is Up from here on.

I'm still doing my part-time teaching and my one day a week research job, and this new post will fit right in for an additional three days a week. I still hanker after that elusive PhD but I promised hubby I'd hold off on applying for that til we get through this year. The baby-business is occupying enough space in the area of my brain marked "stress here" without my trying to weedle my way into funding for a phd. But watch this space, I hope.
My last bit of good news is that, filled with dread that the Baby Doc would take one look at me and tell me IVF was a no-no unless I lost a load of weight, I have been diligently dieting for the past four weeks and I'm down half a stone thus far. I'm thrilled. I even went out and bought myself some news clothes to celebrate. I've still got a fair way to go, though, and getting through the next fortnight isn't exactly ideal, but at least it's going in the right direction. The lovely, yummy Easter Egg from possibly isn't going to help maintain that weight loss in the short term, but I'm going to take my time with it. Besides, it looks way too good to miss.
I'm ready for the Baby Doc now, here's hoping...

Happy Easter x