Monday 8 January 2007

new year, new blog

I thought it was time to drag myself into the 21st century and fulfill at least one of my new year resolutions... so here it is, my blog.

*fireworks, fanfares, please*

Hmmm... still waiting ...

As someone who tends to have an opinion on everything, I suddenly find myself lost for words. I'm not exactly sure what I want this blog to achieve, or what form it will take, if any, so these posts may ramble, but then from what I've seen many blogs do. Ok, I'll introduce myself (to whom?).

I am a recently qualified cake-baking criminologist, who decided to go back to school a few years ago. To clarify, the criminology is the qualification, not the cake baking. The baking achievements came late in life, so I'm hoping the criminal justice opportunities will follow suit. I am fairly desperate for a job, any opportunity to drag myself out of a variety of sleep-inducing admin roles, and hoping that eventually crime will pay, for me anyhow.

What else can I say about me? I've realised that by setting up a blog I've had to define myself, and it's interesting to see my first two definitions of who I am relate to food and crime.

So I best get my priorities straight. I'm also married, very happily so. When my husband reads this I hope he understand he's not third on my list of priorities in RL. I never thought I could be with someone as amazing as him, and each day I am surprised he is still there, and still thinks I am amazing too .... isn't nature strange?

What else? Yes, I'm reasonably old. Well, not exactly pushing it, but I've got to that "comfortable in my own skin" stage in life, and am quietly content (but tell no one that!). I have been lucky enough to see a lot of amazing places in the world and do a lot of fab things, and I'm looking forward to more of the same.

Life? Great home, lovely house in dear old London. I write that with a smirk; I have been feeling lately that London is getting too blooming crowded, there's too much traffic and too much pollution and it's every (wo)man for himself. Y'see, definitely an "old" point of view. Might be time to move ...

Kids? Nope. Big fat zero on the success front there. But hope springs eternal.

New year, new hope.